Friday, May 29, 2009

Beautiful Weather...It is about time!

Hello everyone,
The warm weather has arrived...let's just hope it stays. It has been a beautiful week, especially today at 27. I am so happy that it is the weekend! It has been another busy week...meetings every morning and after school, a presentation, and field trip paper work. At least there are only 4 more weeks. Mike and I went to his school play last was hilarious!! The kids were excited to see Mike there to support them. Gordon is still wearing his cone and has starting peeing around the house because he is so that definitely makes a lot of work for us. He is healing, but still has some scabs. Mike and I will hopefully get some more yard work done this weekend. We have been pulling out dandelions every day for the past week...the lawn is almost free of those awful weeds.
Anyways, I'm going to head outside to enjoy the rest of the sun, while Mike sits downstairs and plays video games as usual.
Mike and Mel

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