Friday, May 16, 2008


I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. Mike and I are counting down the last few weeks of school. We are definitely ready for the summer and so are the kids. We are supposed to have really nice weather for the long weekend. Today it was 26 and it will be 30 degrees tomorrow. We will be hanging out with friends and hopefully organizing a little bit. We have to get the car fixed this weekend too. It is time to get the timing belt changed. Just when you think you can get ahead a little, something comes up...such is life. We will also be making some wedding plans this weekend and hopefully get some prices on some of the locations we are looking at. Then I get to look for wedding dresses!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

UPDATE has been a while. Surprisingly not much is new here. Mike and I have just been working. We usually have a dinner party at least once a week with friends. We have been lucky enough to have some family visit over the last few months and got to take a trip to Edmonton. Not much is new with school. We went to the zoo a few weeks ago to see the new stingray exhibit and the kids had so much fun touching the stingrays. We were lucky enough to see them while they were still here. Unfortunately 36 stingrays have died in the last few days...suspected poisoning of the water. Only 7 are still living. CRAZY! Mike just started his hockey season and he would want me to tell everyone that he is the LEADING GOAL SCORER (after one game). I should say this now while he is still at the top...hahaha. Mike and I have both signed continuous contracts for the same schools for next year. So we seem to be set. We are looking forward to the summer and will hopefully be home for a few weeks to visit family and friends. We will try to post more often. I actually forgot we even had a blog.

Here are a few pics from my birthday dinner. I will post some pictures of the two of us tomorrow.

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