Friday, October 21, 2011

So...It has been a few months :)

Hi everyone,
Completely forgot about updating throughout the summer and through the first two months of the school year....ooops! All of our focus has been on our baby on the way :) Check out our baby blog at

Friday, May 27, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where Did April Go?

It has been about a month since I posted last...not sure how that happened. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Mike and I had 10 people over for dinner last Saturday. I volunteered to do all the cooking and half way through was worried that I would not have enough. Mike of course made fun of me the entire time reassuring me that we had more than enough. When everything was on the table there was probably enough to feed close to 20. We had turkey, glazed ham, cabbage rolls, stuffed shells, sauerkraut, stuffing, perogies, carrots, potatoes and gravy. My friend from work, Meagan, made a delicious peanut butter toblerone cheesecake and a pumpkin pie. We had punch and a mojito station too! The girls finally took over the xbox and played Dance Central on Kinect after the boys played golf for 2 hours!! It was a great night. I will post a few pictures as soon as I get them.

This past week at work was very crazy. There is a lot going on at school with the budget cuts. My teaching partner and I received good news this week. We were accepted into nature school for next year. We will get to take our classes to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary for an entire week. All of the work throughout the year will be connected to our time at nature school. I cannot wait!! We also had our school assembly this week. I am so proud of the kids. They did such an amazing job. We had a black light performance for our Earth Day/Arbour Day assembly. The students choreographed a dance themselves. I will try to post the video soon. The iMovie we created for the assembly will be posted on our school website over the next month. I will make sure to put the link on here in my next post.

Mike leaves Monday for the S.A.L.T.S. trip off the coast of Victoria. He is looking forward to it, but hates the fact that he will be missing 2 Vancouver / Nashville games. He has told me that I need to watch the games and wear his jersey while I watch...we'll see :)

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Very Relaxing Week

This week has been great! I'm finally feeling relaxed and there are only 2 days left of the holiday :( But summer break is just around the corner. After spring break work just seems to fly by. Mike and I have spent the last two days doing a lot of running around. Yesterday we went to a place called Overeasy Breakfast. It was soooooo good! One of the best breakfast places I have been to. Then today we decided to visit the Italian Supermarket and Lina's Italian Market to see if we could find some of the things my mom always has at home. We fell in love with Lina's and will be back probably every weekend. We bought chorizo, gnocci, gorgonzola pasta sauce and my favourite, La Bomba antipasto sauce. Mike also got a marble mortar and pestle. He was so excited when he saw all the new kitchen gadgets. This may get expensive! haha
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Break!

It is finally here!!! I have never felt so ready for a break before. Mike and I are both looking forward to spending a week at home together. The crazy schedules have ended for a while. Not too much is going on here, but lots of stuff coming up. My trip to Vegas is only 2 months away, I am going to see Rihanna in June and then Josh Groban in September! Only a few months until I get to spend a few weeks at home with family and enjoy spending time on the lake. Mike will be heading out on another S.A.L.T. trip in May and then will be starting to play softball again.
Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. Hard to believe it has been 2 years since our wedding in Jamaica and that we have been together for 12 years!! Mike and I found some wedding footage that we hadn't seen yet. My brother videotaped the whole time while taking photos after the wedding. It had clips of hilarious was perfect. Thought I would post a few pictures from that absolutely gorgeous day. Enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Pics :)

We have had a great visit with my parents so far! They leave Wednesday morning :( We went to watch Mike's volleyball one night, Cactus Club and Yuk Yuk's Saturday night, Galaxie Diner for breakfast Monday and then just spent some time at home together. Here are a few pics so far. The first are a few of us cooking at home and the last one is a pic from our dinner at Cactus Club.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Half Way There

It is hard to believe that the school year is already at the halfway mark. Everything has been crazy as usual...but I have been loving it. This year has been a lot of fun and I am finally feeling more comfortable and relaxed with what I'm doing. I still have to find a better way to do report cards...I am such a procrastinator.
Mike is working on finding how to balance everything he has taken on and I think for the first time is realizing it may have been too much. Coaching takes up most of his week nights, plus playing on a volleyball team and tennis each week, doesn't give him much time at home. He is in Saskatoon this weekend to coach his team in a hockey tournament. Plus side is that I won't be distracted while working on report cards.
I am really looking forward to my parents visiting in just over a week!! I can't wait to spend some time with them and am actually already dreading them leaving. Mike and I hope to drive home this summer for a few weeks to spend a lot of time with family.
I will also be going to Vegas on May long with a few girlfriends. I am really looking forward to getting away for a few days. We are staying at MGM grand. I can't wait to see some shows, go shopping and just spend time with the girls. Well I guess that is all for now. Hope everyone is doing well in Thunder Bay!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, two more days left of holidays and then back to work. Mike and I really enjoyed our time off and actually got time to relax. I feel well rested and ready to go back to work. I am sure I will feel differently Monday morning :) We hosted our first Christmas dinner and it turned out great! We had a few friends over to enjoy a huge dinner and play some games. Mike and I bought the Kinect for XBox and I have been addicted to the dance central much fun! We are looking forward to having my parents come visit in 46 days! LOL This will be the first time they are coming down together. I can't wait!!

We hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoyed time with family. Wishing everyone all the best in 2011!

Mike and Mel
xxx ooo