Sunday, June 1, 2008


Judging by the fact that you have likely seen the picture...the answer to your question is yes...we got another kitten. It was not really planned or anything, but a trip to get more food for Oliver led to us bringing home a little buddy for him. We were told by a breeder Mike knows that it would be about 2-3 weeks before they really get along. Oliver however is already showing Gordon (Ramsay) the rules of the house. Personally, I think they're moving the relationship quite quickly, don't believe me, take a look for yourself...

Mike, Mel, Olli and Gord


oneoldwrider said...

Cats, my boy has cats. Where did we go wrong?

Sally Kresack said...

Another male to add to our list of grandchildren, that makes three now! One two legged and two four-legged!