Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wow Time Flies...

I can't believe it has been just about a month since the last post! Things are pretty much the same here. Just finished working on report cards - they will be going home this week and then parent-teacher conferences will be the following week. I have been very busy with school - student teacher evaluations, preparing for winter celebration, inline skating; jazz dancing. This is the first year where I actually feel like I have things under control and I am enjoying volunteering for various positions in the school. Mike has been busy as well. He had a school retreat last week. They went to Kananaskis for professional development and some time to relax. We have been trying to save money for the past few months, so a lot of our time is just spent at home doing homework, watching t.v., organizing, going for walks, etc. We have also been trying to make different recipes lately. Tonight we had spicy shrimp gumbo and I am making crackerjack cookies...mmmm. We went to the mall today to pick up some new runners for Mike and some makeup for me:) The malls are starting to get took us half an hour to find a spot to park. Gordon is still doing well. We are so happy and less stressed now that he is happy and running around.
Christmas is just around the corner and we will be home in a few weeks...hard to believe. Looking forward to a lot of visits, as well as attending the gathering for Jasmine.

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