Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where Did April Go?

It has been about a month since I posted last...not sure how that happened. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Mike and I had 10 people over for dinner last Saturday. I volunteered to do all the cooking and half way through was worried that I would not have enough. Mike of course made fun of me the entire time reassuring me that we had more than enough. When everything was on the table there was probably enough to feed close to 20. We had turkey, glazed ham, cabbage rolls, stuffed shells, sauerkraut, stuffing, perogies, carrots, potatoes and gravy. My friend from work, Meagan, made a delicious peanut butter toblerone cheesecake and a pumpkin pie. We had punch and a mojito station too! The girls finally took over the xbox and played Dance Central on Kinect after the boys played golf for 2 hours!! It was a great night. I will post a few pictures as soon as I get them.

This past week at work was very crazy. There is a lot going on at school with the budget cuts. My teaching partner and I received good news this week. We were accepted into nature school for next year. We will get to take our classes to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary for an entire week. All of the work throughout the year will be connected to our time at nature school. I cannot wait!! We also had our school assembly this week. I am so proud of the kids. They did such an amazing job. We had a black light performance for our Earth Day/Arbour Day assembly. The students choreographed a dance themselves. I will try to post the video soon. The iMovie we created for the assembly will be posted on our school website over the next month. I will make sure to put the link on here in my next post.

Mike leaves Monday for the S.A.L.T.S. trip off the coast of Victoria. He is looking forward to it, but hates the fact that he will be missing 2 Vancouver / Nashville games. He has told me that I need to watch the games and wear his jersey while I watch...we'll see :)

Have a great weekend!

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